The cooperation project “History Competitions” (2017 – 2024) in Armenia, Belarus (until 2021), Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine is
National partners of the history competitions are
Basic Information About the Cooperation Partners
DVV International
DVV International is the Institute for International Cooperation of the Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband e.V. (DVV), the German Adult Education Association. As the leading professional organisation in the field of adult education and development cooperation, DVV International has been committing itself to supporting lifelong learning for the last 50 years. DVV International provides worldwide support for the establishment and development of sustainable structures for youth and adult education.
Through its projects, in its networks and in conjunction with cooperation partners, Körber-Stiftung takes on current social challenges in activity areas comprising Innovation, International Dialogue and Vibrant Civil Society. Inaugurated in 1959 by the entrepreneur and initiator Kurt A. Körber, the foundation is now nationally and internationally active from its offices in Hamburg and Berlin.
In 2001, Körber-Stiftung initiated EUSTORY as an informal history network of non-governmental organisations carrying out research-based history competitions to encourage young Europeans to take an independent and critical look on history. Since its foundation it has been connecting civic organisations from over 20 countries.
Federal Foreign Office of Germany
Since 2014, the Eastern Partnership programme of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany has enabled numerous civil society organisations in Germany and in the countries of the Eastern Partnership and Russia to play their part as key actors and important governance partners. The programme enables civil society organisations and individuals to implement joint projects, thereby supporting the ongoing transformation processes in the region.
DVV International Country Offices in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine
DVV International country and regional offices build local and regional cooperation and ensure the quality and effectiveness of the action in the partner countries. The offices in Armenia, Belarus (until 08/2021), Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine organise the national history competitions in the respective countries along with local NGOs.
More information about country offices in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine.
NGO Hazarashen, Armenia
Hazarashen is a Yerevan-based NGO specialised in anthropological, ethnographic and oral history research. Established by a group of anthropologists in 1997, Hazarashen’s work ranges from cultural heritage, rituals and customs, to migration, refugees, minority groups, identity, interethnic conflicts, politics of memory, remembrance and memorialisation practices. Since 2012, in partnership with DVV International, Hazarashen has implemented several oral history and adult education projects in the areas of Armenia-Turkey relations, as well as Armenia's Soviet past.
NGO Historica, Belarus
Historica was launched and officially registered in 2000. The public association's main activities are of scientific and educational nature. It unites young historians and supporters of historical activities. The aim of the organisation is to support the historical and cultural heritage in Belarus by researching and promoting various aspects of Belarusian history.
NGO GAHE, Georgia
Georgian Association of History Educators (GAHE) is an independent, democratic, professional, not-for profit organisation. It was established in 1997 by a small group of historians, mostly authors of history textbooks and history teachers. GAHE is committed to promoting responsible history and civic education in order to deepen and reinforce democratic values in Georgian society.
NGO SovLab, Georgia
Soviet Past Research Laboratory (SovLab) was founded in 2010 by historians, journalists, researchers and other people interested in the Soviet past. Its mission is to study and analyse the Soviet totalitarian past and its legacy in Georgia as well as to create an environment conducive to the reflection and debate on this complicated subject. SovLab also encourages the public to take an interest in recent history and explains the importance of participation in research and study of contemporary history.
NGO ANTIM, Moldova
By establishing the National Association of Young Historians of Moldova (ANTIM), its founders primarily intended to meet a social need - to promote national and international collaboration of young people, interested in doing research on historical topics. The aim is to stimulate an interest in learning activities and opportunities and help to preserve the country’s cultural national heritage.
NGO Nova Doba, Ukraine
NOVA DOBA was officially registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in April 2001. NOVA DOBA is the legal successor of the Regional Association of Teachers of History and Social Studies "Doba". To date, there are 19 local branches of NOVA DOBA. The aim is to create more possibilities for the members from different regions of Ukraine to develop various activities and raise the organisation's prestige. NOVA DOBA is organising various projects in the field of civic education and history education. This includes teacher training seminars all over the country as well as social and political discussions for pupils.