President of Estonia Awards Prize Winners in Tartu

Estonian participants 2015-2016 at the Ministry of Education and Research in Tartu | Photo: Aldo Luud
Estonian participants 2015-2016 at the Ministry of Education and Research in Tartu | Photo: Aldo Luud

On 6 May 2016, seven participants of the 17th Estonian EUSTORY History Competition were awarded for their works on the topic of »Estonian Cause«. The ceremony was held at the Ministry of Education and Research. Toomas Hendrik Ilves, President of the Republic of Estonia, stated: »We all became much wiser in the aspect of how diverse and rich our own Estonian cause is.«

For the first time not only academic approaches were honoured, but there was also a prize given to the most creative study approach.  In total there were 88 entries in the competition. They mainly treated four topics: Cultural objects, the history of people’s homes, family-related research and the lives of people that can be named as the starters of the Estonian cause, especially sportsmen. What´s noteworthy about this year’s competition is the fact that the contributions mainly dealt with the most recent history (i.e. the last decades).

The four-member jury awarded four Middle School students: Karl-Martin Voovere and Timo Siimon from the Tartu Mart Reiniku Kool for their project »From Kopli to Moon or Alex Parve´s story«, Kristin Avans from the Võru Gümnaasium for her project »The most important buildings in Võru. Tartu street until the Second World War« and Ele-Riin Luuk from Tallinna Prantsuse Lütseum for her project »My family stories during the second World War«.

Furthermore they honoured the three best Gymnasium (high school) students: Emilie Laur from the Võru Gümnaasium for her project »Development of Vastseliina municipality during the independent Republic of Estonia«, Kristin Avans from the Võru Gümnaasium for her project »The most important buildings in Võru. Tartu street until the Second World War« and Liis Kikas from the Võru Gümnaasium for her project »Seto wedding and wedding traditions«.

For the most creative study, Mia Rummo from the Tallinna Nõmme Põhikool was awarded for her project »Woven belt in Estonian folkart - traditions, techniques and weaving«.

In addition to monetary prizes and diplomas signed by The President of the Republic of Estonia, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, there were special prizes given by The Estonian National Museum, The Estonian Art Museum, The Estonian History Archive and The Estonian Sports’ Museum.

The 18th competition will start on 1 September, titled »The Preconditions for Estonian Independence«. This theme will prepare the contestants for the anniversary of the Republic of Estonia in 2018 that will culminate in the 19th competition’s topic »Estonia 100«.

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