Irish Award Ceremony Celebrates Diverse Entries

The Irish EUSTORY History Competition concluded with an online ceremony on 18 May 2023 celebrating a variety of diverse entries. The contest, which concluded its already third nationwide iteration, provides students with the opportunity to showcase their historical research skills and knowledge on a variety of topics.

This year, the competition received numerous entries from students in both the fifth and sixth year of senior cycle. The participants explored a wide range of historical subjects, such as the Limerick Soviet, the Irish marriage bar, and Alexander Hamilton's contributions to American politics and economy. The variety of topics and high-quality research displayed by the students set this year’s winners apart and was noted by award presenter and competition coordinator Luke O'Donnell.

The award ceremony culminated with the announcement of the prize winners in each category. In the fifth-year category, Killian Walsh claimed the top prize with a well-researched essay on the murder of Councillor Michael Walsh, his great-great-grandfather. In the sixth-year category, Peter O'Neill's examination of the Limerick Soviet earned him first place. Both winning entries were noted for the depth of research and the use of source material.
Peter O’Neill also took home the overall title of Grand Champion, with Killian Walsh taking second place and Luke Delaney winning third with an examination of Native Americans under the Manifest Destiny policy and the interplay with American society during 1830-50. Peter ’ONeill’s sweeping examination of the Limerick Soviet of 1919 turned an often-overlooked piece of political and labour history into a winning entry and was lauded for showcasing excellent research and providing outstanding commentary.
As the 2023 Irish National History Competition award ceremony drew to a close, Luke O'Donnell thanked all those who entered, as well as those who support the competition in the background. The participants, along with their detailed research and historical essays, have enriched the historical knowledge of their communities and developed themselves.
The Irish EUSTORY History Competition is organised by The National University of Ireland, Galway.
Watch the whole award ceremony on YouTube by following this link.