Opening of Photo Exhibition Following Slovak Award Ceremony

Announcement of Photo Exhibition | Photo: Slovak Centre for Communication and Development
Announcement of Photo Exhibition | Photo: Slovak Centre for Communication and Development

When the organisers of the Slovak history competition announced last year's topic "History in Photographs", they could hardly imagine the extremely positive response from the public and the media. The winning entries were exhibited in a public space in Bratislava. Public interest was so strong that the exibition period was extended.

The principal aim of last year's competition was to reflect moments from the 20th and 21st centuries in Slovakia within the frame of the Slovak Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The competition specifications read: “… photography should document the époque, affairs, and transformation of Slovak reality in contemporary Slovak/European history.“

Head of the jury, Ms. Judita Csaderova (left) and Zuzana Jezerská (centre), coordinator of the competition | Photo: Valeria Zacharova
Head of the jury, Ms. Judita Csaderova (left) and Zuzana Jezerská (centre), coordinator of the competition | Photo: Valeria Zacharova

"This year the jury had a really difficult task," said Zuzana Jezerská, coordinator of the competition and Head of the Slovak Centre for Communication and Development. The professional jury consisted of two academics and two photographers who evaluated the use of historical sources, the logical structure of the work, the approach to the selected theme, the originality and timeliness of the work, its general appearance, the editing, style and spelling. "The evaluation process was more difficult this time than in previous years due to two different tasks: the evaluation of the narrative and of the photos themselves," she added.


Group of competition winners and their teacher (left) | Photo: Valeria Zacharova
Group of competition winners and their teacher (left) | Photo: Valeria Zacharova

The public exhibition "The Long Way of Europe" was launched on 23 September, 2016 and was to close originally on 14 October. However, due to the continuing public interest it was extended to 27 October, 2016. According to reliable estimates, close to 14,000 people saw the exhibition.

The exhibition was a part of the Development Festival organised by the Non-Governmental Development Organisations Platform.



People stopping to look at exhibition items  Photo: Valeria Zacharova
People stopping to look at exhibition items Photo: Valeria Zacharova

The exhibition generated a high level of media interest:

1/ RTVS (Radio and TV Slovakia – public broadcasting) – „Rádiožurnál“ (news) – a report from Award ceremony (25.09.2016)

2/ RTVS (Radio and TV Slovakia – public broadcasting) – „K veci“ (To the Point) (26.09.2016)

3/ Radio Devín - report from Award ceremony (30.09.2016)

4/ TASR (Press Agency of the Slovak Republic)

5/ Local newspaper, press release on the local winner

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