Record Participation in the 20th Swiss History Competition

After a four-year break due to the COVID-19 pandemic the prize winners of the Swiss History Competition were honoured and received their prizes during an award ceremony at the Zurich University of Education. The Swiss History Competition is organised by the association HISTORIA and celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2023. Kerstin Peter, President of HISTORIA, welcomed about 70 competition participants, their teachers and parents at the University’s lecture hall.

In his opening speech the Russian-Swiss writer Mikhail Schischkin encouraged the prize winners to question any nationalistic misuse of history. Mr Schischkin has been a fierce critic of the Putin regime for years and in his speech he also touched upon the ongoing war of the Russian regime against Ukraine.

Seventy-seven participants handed in a total of 56 contributions (29 Matura papers and 27 project works) on the topic of "Historical Investigation / Youth on the Move". The works came from 15 different Swiss districts. The content of the research projects ranged from medieval mercenaries to current family history, and their forms ranged from texts to websites, explanatory videos and podcasts. From these diverse contributions, the winners were awarded in three categories: “Matura Work”, “Young Talent Work” and “Creative Work”.

Katja Fausser, EUSTORY’s Managing Director, conveyed greetings in a video message and invited the prize winners to apply for the upcoming international history festival "EUSTORY Summit" that will take place in Prague in the autumn.

Another item on the programme was dedicated to the founder of the Swiss History Competition and long-standing President of HISTORIA, Christiane Derrer. Christine Stuber from the current management team honored Christiane Derrer’s great achievements, without which the Swiss History Competition would not have been existing for the past 20 years.
The award ceremony was musically accompanied by the vocal quartet “Viercant”. At the end of the event the participants met for an aperitif, which provided an opportunity for further discussion and exchange among the young people.
Matura Works:
First prizes:
Andrin Töngi, Kantonsschule Frauenfeld, TG: Internierte im Thurgau während dem Zweiten Weltkrieg
Orlando Preiswerk, Kantonsschule Wohlen, AG: Zum Scheitern verdammt. Die Geschichte des autonomen Jugendzentrums im Lindenhofbunker 1970/71
Second prize:
Luca Hochreutener, Innerstaatliche Maturitätsschule für Erwachsene, SG: Die Münchner Räterepublik – Vergleich zwischen der Berichterstattung einer sozialdemokratischen und einer konservativen Zeitung unter zeitgenössischen Gesichtspunkten
Third prizes:
Lias Winkler, Gymnasium Oberwil, BL: Euthanasieprogramm T4 – Einzelschicksal Charlotte Steiner
Till Braun, Literargymnasium Rämibühl, ZH: Die Vertreibung von Gerda Lang aus dem Sudetenland
Young Talent Award:
Stina Jamin und Sidonie Keller, Sekundarschule Sandgruben BS: Historische Spurensuche: Ein in der Familie weitervererbtes Haus in Malix
Creative Award:
Andrea Choculovà, Collège de Saussure, GE: Cold War: A simple tie with a lot of history behind…