Brochure “Remembering for a European Future” - Available Online Now

Brochure “Remembering for a European Future”
Brochure “Remembering for a European Future”

In September 2014, twenty-two young Europeans from 12 different countries in the broader Baltic Sea Region met for one week in Estonia and Russia to discuss the history and future of borders and to explore the underlying patterns of a possible “Baltic identity”.

This 1st Baltic Sea Youth Dialogue was a joint initiative by the Körber Foundation and the Council of the Baltic Sea States in cooperation with Narva College and EUSTORY. Sixteen of the seminar participants are winners of national EUSTORY History Competitions. They have proven their potential to analyse historical material, assess questions of identity and transfer their findings to current events. The brochure “Remembering for a European Future” provides brief summaries of the historical research works these participants did in the context of their national competitions prior to their involvement in the Baltic Sea Youth Dialogue. The topics cover a wide range of local, regional and family history of 20th century Europe.
Download the brochure here.

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