EUSTORY Annual Network Meeting: 27 April to 1 May 2016 in Moscow

Annual EUSTORY Network Meeting 2015 | Photo: EUROCLIO Ben Kealey
Annual EUSTORY Network Meeting 2015 | Photo: EUROCLIO Ben Kealey

From 27 April to 1 May, EUSTORY competition organisers are gathering in Moscow for their Annual Network Meeting. The conference will be hosted by The MEMORIAL Society Moscow, a non-governmental organisation focusing on history, education and human rights, and coordinator of the Russian history competition.

Under the title »Local – National – Global. Approaching History in the 21st Century«, representatives from the 25 EUSTORY member countries will discuss the potential of different reference points for historical analysis and education in the EUSTORY history competitions throughout Europe. Staying in Moscow, the participants will learn more about different approaches to and current discussions about Russian history e.g. when visiting the »Gulag Museum« and other historical sites of the Russian capital. On a methodological level, challenges for students to cope with biases in local or national historical narratives as well as possible benefits of a wider, cross-border scope for history competitions are on the agenda for the five-day meeting at The MEMORIAL Society.

Organisers will have time to exchange their experiences from recent competitions and present current developments to the network members. Perspectives for upcoming History Camps for young prize-winners as well as new strategies for supporting teachers and mentors in the research process shall be developed.

Russian Award Ceremony 2015 | Photo: Vadim Schultz
Russian Award Ceremony 2015 | Photo: Vadim Schultz

The competition organisers will get a closer insight into the work of The MEMORIAL Society, finding out about its history and visiting their archive and museum. On 28 April, they will get the chance to visit the Russian award ceremony and to catch a glimpse of the pupil’s research works during the annual Russian prize winner’s exhibition. The 2015/2016 round of the Russian EUSTORY History Competition »Man in History« is expecting more than 1.500 contributions.

The Annual Network Meeting is an integral part of EUSTORY’s strategy and agenda setting. Not only does it offer an opportunity for competition organisers to learn from each other’s experiences and discuss organisational and didactical challenges. It also offers the opportunity for network members to discuss approaches regarding current topics in historical research and review methods to support the network’s target groups, namely students and teachers, as well as historical educators and competition organisers in Europe.

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