EUSTORY Youth Activities 2021

Photo: Gerd Altmann/Pixabay
Photo: Gerd Altmann/Pixabay

One digital space, two topics and many perspectives: This year's EUSTORY Youth Activities start on 18 August and 4 September respectively.

What can be done when different perspectives shake the foundations of a peaceful and democratic coexistence in Europe? How can we deal with different, sometimes contradictory perspectives on history, politics and society?

From the beginning of September, 19 EUSTORY Award Winners from ten countries will explore these questions in a digital workshop. Using the “Betzavta Method”, a tool for democracy and tolerance education developed in Israel, the 16- to 21-year-olds will learn the "language of democracy" over a period of two months.

Based on their individual perspectives on history and society, they will experience areas of conflict thus encountering challenges of democratic and international coexistence first hand. Hidden stereotypes, unquestioned assumptions, inner dilemmas, but also conflicts based on national narratives will most certainly come to light - and become the starting point for a peaceful approach to multiperspectivity in the here and now. "The Language of Democracy" starts on 4 September in cooperation with Mellem Education.

From Siberia to Kyrgyzstan to Poland and Serbia: In cooperation with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Moscow and the Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS), another digital EUSTORY Youth Activity is about to start: "#30PostSovietYears: Phantom Pasts or Everyday Present?"

Thirty years after the end of the Soviet Union, about 20 participants from 13 post-Soviet and post-socialist countries will go on an eight-week search for traces in urban areas from 18 August onwards. During this youth activity, they will explore relics from the Soviet or socialist past and find out what these remnants have to do with the identity of those persons who did not experience that particular time in history.

Equipped with a camera, a microphone and their own senses, the 18- to 24-year-olds will take photos and gather stories, bringing together historical narratives and personal perspectives. The results of their work will be freely accessible to all as a multimedia magazine from November onwards. The joint youth activity of Körber-Stiftung, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Moscow and ZOiS is part of the initiative "#30PostSovietYears" launched on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the dissolution of the Soviet Union on 8 December 1991.

More information about our EUSTORY’s Youth Activities 2021

More information about #30PostSovietYears

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