Photo Exhibition about European Identities

Photo exhibition
Photo exhibition

The European Photo Exhibition Award 01 focused on the question of “European Identities”. The first exhibition opened at the Haus der Photographie in the Deichtorhallen Hamburg, Germany, in May 2012 and will be followed by further shows in Paris during Paris Photo 2012, Lucca during Lucca Photo Fest 2012 and Oslo in 2013.

The European Photo Exhibition Award – epea for short – aims to create a free space where socially relevant topics concerning Europe are developed and discussed by talented young European photographers. The twelve appointed photographers will translate their observations, analyses and statements on a set and socially relevant subject into a photo essay. The results will be presented in a joint touring exhibition within Europe.

This initiative by the Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lucca (Italy), the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (Portugal), the Fritt Ord Foundation (Norway) and the Körber-Stiftung (Germany) aims to contribute to and to intensify dialogue within Europe. It also wants to support young European photographers at the beginning of their careers by providing international facilities. All four partners commit themselves to this philosophy and welcome other foundations from other European countries to join this project as the European space should be represented by as many countries and views as possible.

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