Portugal joins EUSTORY Network

Bem-vindo Portugal! The EUSTORY Network welcomes its 25th member. The first Portuguese History Competition “História para Jovens - History for Youth” was launched this year. It is an Iberian project, conducted in cooperation with EUSTORY and its Spanish network member, the Real Maestranza de Caballeriá de Ronda.
The current topic of the Iberian competition, “America”, encourages young people to become involved with history, especially in their very own surroundings, looking for traces of Iberian influences in North America and South America and vice-versa. Research projects can be submitted in various forms by individuals or groups of students in ninth grade up to those in secondary education below the age of 21. The deadline for any contribution is coming up next week on 18 August 2014. Entries will be evaluated by a jury of history-experts and may be nominated for one of the 15 monetary prizes.
The competition’s organiser, “Associação de Professores de História - Portuguese Association of History Teachers” (APH), is a non-governmental and nonprofit association for educators at any level of education in Portugal; its headquarters located in Lisbon. APH was founded in 1981, during Portugal’s re-democratisation process, with the goal of improving history teaching and, subsequently, the improvement of historical consciousness amongst students.
In order to achieve that goal the APH organises round tables, seminars and an annual conference about specific topics or provides publications, expert advice and training opportunities for individual teachers and institutions. Furthermore, beside their newest involvement with EUSTORY, the association has been establishing a network among national educators and other national as well as international institutions and associations.