The Final Curtain – New KARTA Publication on the Events of 1989

New KARTA Publication
New KARTA Publication

25 years after the fall of the Iron Curtain, the Polish EUSTORY partner organisation Foundation KARTA Centre has issued a new publication that gives insights into the dynamics of 1989. The booklet provides pictures and a diary of events in six countries of the former Eastern Bloc: Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania and the GDR.

“The image we present is that of communities progressing through the year as in a relay race. (…) Spring belonged to the Poles. Summer - to the Hungarians and to the “Baltic chain”. Autumn belonged to the Germans, Czechs, Slovaks and Bulgarians. In the early days of the winter even the Romanians felt the breakthrough,” says Zbigniew Gluza, co-founder and director of KARTA.

The publication is available in Polish, English, German, Russian, French, Spanish and Ukrainian at:

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