Annielina Mehtatalo

Born in 1992 in Oulainen, Finland
Annielina graduated from Upper-Secondary of Oulainen recently and now takes courses at Open University of Tampere. She has also applied for University of Applied Sciences of Tampere (Last updated 2013).

"The civil war in Finland" (2008)

In her entry Annielina tries investigating and explaining the causes that have led to a civil war in the Finland of the 1918s, by contrasting the two major groups of interest at that time: the People’s Deputation of Finland, commonly called Reds which were supporting communist Russia and the non-socialist rich owners, most of them members of the conservative-led Senate and better known as Whites. These events were crucial in shaping Finland’s future as a nation, after its separation from the Russian Empire and its proclaimed independence in 1917. Although the Whites were shortly successful in establishing a Finnish monarchy led by a German king, Germany’s defeat in World War I, let Finland emerge from the civil conflict as a free and democratic country.

“The civil war in Finland” was awarded the fourth prize in the Finnish national history competition.


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