Rebecca Reichenberg

Born in 1992 in Wuppertal, Germany
High school student ("Carl-Fuhlrott-Gymnasium"; Wuppertal)

"My heroes- the Lüninks" (2009)

This competition entry deals with two brothers, Heinrich and Willi Lünink, active communists that, with the risk of their own lives, fought bravely against the national socialistic regime during the Second World War in Germany. Not only did they financially support political enemies of the regime and their families, but also wrote fliers and tried to stop the persecutions which were going on. They were both put into prison and tortured and didn’t get to see their families until ten years later. Nevertheless, they refused to give away any information regarding the resistance movement and thus saved the lives of many.

For her contribution to the German national competition Rebecca Reichenberg was one of the regional prize winners.

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