Dorin Rottenshtreich Robin

Born in 1995 in Tel Aviv, Israel
Dorin just finished High School, and after her three year military services, she would like to study history and law. One of her interests is the media which is why Dorin writes for a youth magazine and participates in a radio show.

"The Regime of Austerity in Israel: 1948 - 1952” (2014)

Inspired by one of her history lessons and stories by her grandfather, Dorin chose to examine the time of austerity in the state of Israel from 1948 to 1951. She was especially interested in the political and social effects of this measure and whether it influenced the economy for the better or the worse. Dorin discovered that, however harmful in the time after 1951, the austerity programme was the only way to deal with the miserable economic condition in Israel in 1948. It had emerged after the country’s population had doubled in size within only three years, because hundreds of thousands of immigrants had been settling the country. Society was then made up mainly of surviving Jews who came during and after the holocaust, and Arabs from the surrounding Middle-Eastern countries.

For her research, Dorin interviewed contemporary witnesses, read books, analysed newspapers and looked for original historical material in archives. She said besides the possibility to meet a lot of interesting people, her project offered a lot of opportunities to develop her knowledge and skills.

In the 2013/2014 Israeli history competition about “Attitudes toward the Other as Reflected in History”, Dorin Rottenshtreich Robin won first prize in the age group of 16- to 18-year-olds.


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