Tinkara Simončič

Tinkara Simončič | Photo: private
Tinkara Simončič | Photo: private

"Firefighters as connecting element in past and present" (2016)

In October 2016, twenty-four award winners from EUSTORY competitions met at a History Camp in Georgia. For this occasion they prepared posters about their projects and findings which were displayed in the National History Museum in Tbilisi.

My competition entry was about firefighters. I have always wondered what their task is, who is paying them and if they are fulltime firefighters or if they do have additional jobs. Even though they work for the society’s safety, I did not know a lot about their burden. So my research partner and I decided to find out more about the significance of local firefighters for the common good in past and present.

How did you decide on your topic?
The wave of refugees emphasized the commitment of our local firefighters. Together with the police, they were the first to help these people in need. So my partner and I discovered what firefighters mean for today’s community. Furthermore, we wanted to detect their role in our regions’ past and pay tribute to their work.

How did you react when you came upon surprising points during your research?
I was surprised that firefighters are always ready to risk their lifes to save others. This courage inspires even small children to become firefighters. But the fire brigade requires the passage of a hard training before one can work as a firefighter. So the applicants have to pass different tests to prove their ability.

Did the research affect you personally?
Of course it affected me. Especially my state of mind: I care more about the people in my environment and how I could help them. Somehow I want to resemble the brave firefighters and I want to be as committed as they are to the common good. 

Take a closer look at Tinkara’s poster here.

For her project on firefighters as a connecting element between the presence and the past, Tinkara was awarded in the Slovenian history competition.

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