Experiencing European Diversity

Prize winners from all National EUSTORY History Competitions get the chance to participate in the EUSTORY Youth Activities where they come face to face with varied interpretations of history. The critical confrontation with controversial aspects of European history is the basis of these EUSTORY Encounters.

Dominant groups and minorities, winners and losers, victims and perpetrators - each tell a different history and each have the right to their own story.

Working with peers, these young Europeans learn to respect this diversity and to see themselves through the eyes of others. The result is openness, understanding and tolerance in relationship with others and foreigners. EUSTORY Encounters focus on topics such as "Re:Member Europe: The Fate of Europe in Past, Present and Future", "Making Peace with History - Processes of Making, Negotiating and Maintaining Peace in Europe" and "Winds of Change – Transitions in Europe".

Since the network was founded, the EUSTORY International Office organised 70 youth activities for prize winners on various topics in about 20 different countries.

Here you will find an overview of all EUSTORY Youth Activities (pdf file).


EUSTORY Summit 2023: Dialogues to Remember

28 September - 02 October 2023 | Prague, Czech Republic

After three years of only virtual encounters, 100 young history enthusiasts met in Prague to discuss the challenges of memory culture. In six different workshops they demonstrated the importance of dialogue – especially in times of uncertainty and upheaval.

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EUSTORY Summit 2019: Transitions in Europe

15 October - 19 October 2019 | Berlin, Germany

The year 1989 is a symbol of the transitions in Europe. 30 years later, at the EUSTORY Next Generation Summit, 120 young people from 30 countries are going to explore how people experienced the transitions and what remains of the dream of a united Europe.

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EUSTORY Summit 2018: Making Peace With History

14 November - 19 November 2018 | Berlin, Germany

Discussing history is rarely so fresh, lively and intense: At the end of the EUSTORY Next Generation Summit in Berlin, 120 young Europeans presented their views on war and peace in the past and present at the Alte Börse Marzahn.

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06 October - 10 October 2017 | Berlin, Germany

The first EUSTORY Next Generation Summit came to an end on 9 October 2017 in Berlin with standing ovations for the impressive work of the 100 young European participants.

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Not for Free: Challenges to Democracy in Europe

22 September - 29 September 2012 | Tallin and Tartu, Estonia

25 young Europeans from thirteen countries met for one week of discussions, sessions, simulations, and cultural highlights.

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People and Power

14 September - 19 September 2012 | Berlin, Germany

25 young Europeans from 15 different countries explored different dimensions of of 'power'

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Alumni Programmes

Images of the Other

22 September - 29 September 2013 | Ronda, Spain

The Alumni Seminar took place in Ronda, Spain. During this week, the participants analysed the nature of stereotypes in European societies.

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The Desire For Freedom

27 January - 01 February 2013 | Berlin, Germany

15 young Europeans met to explore which democratic values matter in European reality and for themselves as citizens.

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