Once a year, the organisers of national history competitions gather at EUSTORY network meetings (formerly General Assemblies) to discuss network issues.
Participants of the Annual EUSTORY Network Meeting in Chișinău I Photo: Ramin Mazur
“History in a Polarised World” was the overarching theme of this year’s network meeting in Chișinău. Hosted by the National Association of Young Historians of Moldova (ANTIM) competition organisers discussed challenges such as AI, propaganda, and polarisation.
At this year's network meeting in Warsaw, hosted by KARTA Center, 35 participants from 22 countries came together for an intensive exchange of ideas and projects.
35 staff members of national EUSTORY History Competitions used the network’s digital kick-off event of 2022 for a joint reflection of impacts of the war in Ukraine and other current challenges on their work.
During the EUSTORY Network’s first virtual annual meeting, EUSTORY Competition Organisers not only shared digital innovations from their national projects but also focused on (post)colonial monuments that polarise.
At this year's network meeting in Málaga, hosted by the Spanish foundation Real Maestranza de Caballería de Ronda (RMR), the focus was on dealing with the legacy of the Franco dictatorship. The conference programme was developed together with Körber-Stiftung.
The Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid, patron of the Estonian national history competition, received representatives of the EUSTORY Network. The Estonian history competition, one of the founding members of EUSTORY, kindly hosted this year’s Annual Network Meeting in Tallinn together with Körber-Stiftung.