
Körber-Stiftung/David Ausserhofer
Drawing by Diana (10) I  Photo: Körber-Stiftung/Anne Kohstall
Drawing by Diana (10) I Photo: Körber-Stiftung/Anne Kohstall

„War and Dreams“– Children’s Drawings from Ukraine

How do children see the war in Ukraine? This is the subject of a digital exhibition with drawings provided by Ukrainian EUSTORY member, NOVA DOBA.

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“Bridging Gaps Award” I Photo: Orbon Alija
“Bridging Gaps Award” I Photo: Orbon Alija

Applications open for the "Bridging Gaps Award” 2024 for NGOs

Together with Körber-Stiftung and THE CIVIC Innovation Hub, EUSTORY has initiated the “Bridging Gaps Award”. Youth projects from Europe fostering unity in polarised societies can apply for the €10,000 prize.

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Participants of the Annual EUSTORY Network Meeting in Chișinău I Photo: Ramin Mazur
Participants of the Annual EUSTORY Network Meeting in Chișinău I Photo: Ramin Mazur

Moldova Hosts EUSTORY Network Meeting 2024

“History in a Polarised World” was the overarching theme of this year’s network meeting in Chișinău. Hosted by the National Association of Young Historians of Moldova (ANTIM) competition organisers discussed challenges such as AI, propaganda, and polarisation.

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Journalist and writer Paula Erizanu I Photo: Paula Erizanu
Journalist and writer Paula Erizanu I Photo: Paula Erizanu

How Moldovans Fight Against Russian Propaganda and for EU Integration

At the EUSTORY network meeting, competition organisers also learnt about Moldova’s fight against desinformation. Journalist Paula Erizanu took a look how media and civil society are on the frontlines of the hybrid war for Moldovans’ hearts and minds.

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Malou and Sofie in their self-knitted sweaters, winners in the category “Most Innovative” I Photo: Trine Villumsen
Malou and Sofie in their self-knitted sweaters, winners in the category “Most Innovative” I Photo: Trine Villumsen

Award for Handmade Sweaters in Danish History Competition

This year's award ceremony of the Danish History Competition was quite fascinating because of creative entries, handmade sweaters, substantial prizes and the celebratory atmosphere of the biggest Danish history festival, “Historiske Dage”.

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Propaganda poster at the Yerevan Soviet Club | Photo:  Insea Kiderlen
Propaganda poster at the Yerevan Soviet Club | Photo: Insea Kiderlen

History Education and the Weaponisation of the Past: A Regional Analysis

How common is history-based propaganda in textbooks? A research team from Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine delved into this question within the DVV cooperation project.

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