
Körber-Stiftung/David Ausserhofer
Propaganda poster at the Yerevan Soviet Club | Photo:  Insea Kiderlen
Propaganda poster at the Yerevan Soviet Club | Photo: Insea Kiderlen

History Education and the Weaponisation of the Past: A Regional Analysis

How common is history-based propaganda in textbooks? A research team from Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine delved into this question within the DVV cooperation project.

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Propaganda poster at the Yerevan Soviet Club | Photo:  Insea Kiderlen
Propaganda poster at the Yerevan Soviet Club | Photo: Insea Kiderlen

History Education and the Weaponisation of the Past: A Regional Analysis

How common is history-based propaganda in textbooks? A research team from Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine delved into this question within the DVV cooperation project.

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The finalists of the Albanian History Competition I Photo: Conference videography Service Albania-CVSA
The finalists of the Albanian History Competition I Photo: Conference videography Service Albania-CVSA

Where? Awards for Research on Forgotten Places in Albania

Albanian students dived into local history by exploring historical sites across the country. Illustrious laudators presented the prizes to the winners of the 6th Albanian History Competition.

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One of five first prizes went to fifth graders of Leonore-Goldschmidt Schule IGS Hannover-Mühlenberg I Photo: Benjamin Pritzkuleit
One of five first prizes went to fifth graders of Leonore-Goldschmidt Schule IGS Hannover-Mühlenberg I Photo: Benjamin Pritzkuleit

German History Competition Celebrates Prize Winners – and Its 50th Anniversary

50 years after the first edition, the winners of the current competition received their prizes at Bellevue Palace.

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The winners of the Iberian History Competition I Photo: Real Maestranza de Caballería de Ronda
The winners of the Iberian History Competition I Photo: Real Maestranza de Caballería de Ronda

Iberian History Competition Closes With a Deep Dive Into Institutional History

Students from Spain, Portugal, and Chile received awards for their work on the history of institutions in the 16th Iberian History Competition.

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Participants during one of the workshops at the summit I Photo: Anne Kohstall
Participants during one of the workshops at the summit I Photo: Anne Kohstall

"Dialogues to Remember" at the EUSTORY Next Generation Summit 2023

After three years of only virtual encounters, 100 young history enthusiasts met in Prague to discuss the challenges of memory culture. In six different workshops they demonstrated the importance of dialogue – especially in times of uncertainty and upheaval.

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Czech prize winners at the award ceremony 2023 | Photo: Marcel Mahdal
Czech prize winners at the award ceremony 2023 | Photo: Marcel Mahdal

Prizes Awarded to the Winners of the Czech History Competition 2023

The Czech History Competition concluded with an outstanding number of entries and excellent research. The best three entries were chosen at the award ceremony in Ostrava on 22 September 2023.

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Slovak prize winners at the award ceremony I Photo: Slovenské centrum pre komunikáciu a rozvoj
Slovak prize winners at the award ceremony I Photo: Slovenské centrum pre komunikáciu a rozvoj

Awards for Best Entries About Slovak History Between 1918 and 1938

The Award Ceremony in Bratislava on 8 September 2023 celebrated high-quality entries dealing with the First Czechoslovak Republic.

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