"Not for Free: Challenges to Democracy in Europe" was the title of the Youth Academy in Estonia (22 - 29 September 2012). Twenty-five young Europeans from thirteen countries met for one week of discussions, sessions, simulations, and cultural highlights. Read the report.
Spanish competition round
New Competition Round in Spain
Spanish youth are asked to dig through family portraits, photo albums andold letters,interview neighbours and visit local museums. The 6th round of the Spanish history competition has begun. The topic is "My family in history." UntilAugust 16, 2013, Spanish youth aged 14 to 21 have a chance to tell the stories of their families.
Czech Award Ceremony | Photo: Luděk Svoboda, Akademický bulletin
The ceremonial announcement of the results of the 6th national round of the Eustory European history competition took place in Prague on September 26, 2012, in the conference hall of the main building of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
2012 marks the 20th anniversary of the democratic constitution in Estonia, one of the smallest and youngest democracies in Europe. "Not for Free: Challenges to Democracy in Europe" is the title of the Youth Academy in Estonia which started today.
Youth Academy in Germany
Start of Youth Academy in Berlin
The EUSTORY Youth Academy in Berlin started on 14 September. Participants who arrived a day early were sent out on a mission: to exchange a box of matches for something significantly better.
Karta logo
Special Initiative on Polish-German Relations
"Polish and Germans: against, aside, together“ is the title of a special competition initiated by the German Körber Foundation and the Polish Karta Foundation. This competition encourages German and Polish pupils to work together on the topic of Polish-German neighbourhood history after 1945. Information in Polish
Croatian writer and journalist Slavenka Drakulić | Photo: De Balie, via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode)
The Croatian writer and journalist Slavenka Drakulić presents her ideas about European identity in an interview with the young online magazine Europe & Me. The discussion will be continued in Hamburg on 13th September at the KörberForum. You can view the English debate via video stream.
The award ceremony of the 16th Polish History Competition (History at Hand) took place on 10 September 2012 in the Royal Castle in Warsaw. 470 students sent in 237 contributions in three different categories.
On September 5th, the announcement for the tenth Italian History Competition went online. The topic for the year 2012/2013 is "Exchange and Conflict Between the Peoples after the Second World War."