The Steering Committee is involved in decisions about membership and strategy as well as in the planning of the general activities of the EUSTORY Network. It consists of four members. The Spokesperson of the Steering Committee is appointed by Körber-Stiftung. The other members are elected for a one year mandate by a majority vote of members in the Annual EUSTORY Network Meeting.
The current members are:

Sergiu Musteață
The National Association of Young Historians of Moldova (ANTIM)
Chișinău, Moldova

Miguel Monteiro de Barros
Portuguese Association of History Teachers (APH)
Lisbon, Portugal

Zuzana Jezerská
Slovak Centre for Communication and Development, Slovakia

Katja Fausser
Hamburg, Germany
The Spokesperson of the Steering Committee

Katja Fausser
The Spokesperson of the Steering Committee is appointed by Körber-Stiftung. The current Spokesperson is Katja Fausser. She is responsible for the implementation of matters agreed by the Annual EUSTORY Network Meeting and the Steering Committee. She coordinates and manages the general activities of the EUSTORY Network and represents the network to the public.