
Körber-Stiftung/David Ausserhofer
Roman Roobroeck
Roman Roobroeck

Europe - A Project of Generations

In November 2012, Roman Roobroeck, member of the EUSTORY alumni network and former prize winner of the EUSTORY competition in Belgium, was one of six young Europeans who met with Jacques Delors (former president of the European Commission) and Valéry Giscard d’Estaing (former French President) to discuss "building Europe as a project of several generations".

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Valéry Giscard d’Estaing and Jacques Delors | Photos: European Parliament services; Notre Europe
Valéry Giscard d’Estaing and Jacques Delors | Photos: European Parliament services; Notre Europe

Launch of EUSTORY competition in France

On the occasion of the launching of the Eustory competition in France, six young Europeans discussed European topics with Jacques Delors and Valéry Giscard d’Estaing. One of the young people on the panel was be Roman Roobroeck, member of the EUSTORY alumni network and former prize winner of the EUSTORY competition in Belgium.

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Award Ceremony in Spain
Award Ceremony in Spain

Award Ceremony in Spain in 2012

In its fifth edition Eustory Spain asked participants to present projects under the title "My Family in History". Managed since 2007 by the Real Maestranza de Caballería de Ronda (RMR), Eustory Spain awarded nine projects in this year's award ceremony that took place on 9 November 2012 in Ronda (Malaga).

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Charlemagne Youth Prize
Charlemagne Youth Prize

Charlemagne Youth Prize for EU Consciousness

Apply now! The European Charlemagne Youth Prize is open to people aged 16-30 who have undertaken projects fostering understanding, promoting the development of a shared sense of European identity, or offering practical examples of Europeans living together as one community.

Polish competition poster
Polish competition poster

New Competition Round in Poland

The KARTA Center in Poland announced the seventeenth edition of the "History of Hand" competition for the school year 2012/2013. The competition topic is "Poles and their neighbours after World War II: against each other, side by side, together". For the first time a special award will be given for international teams.

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Slovakian Competition Poster 2012
Slovakian Competition Poster 2012

New Competition Round in Slovakia

Today, the Slovak Centre for Communication and Development announced the start of their 2012/2013 competition "The Role of Women and Men in Slovakia during the 20th Century". Students are encouraged to examine the changing status of women and men in society and to describe the changes that have occurred.

Group photo in Berlin
Group photo in Berlin

Report of the Youth Academy in Germany is online

Who are currently the most powerful persons in the world? What does it take to be powerful? What is the influence of the media? Read what 25 young Europeans from 15 countries discussed about and experienced at the Youth Academy in Berlin. The topic was: "People and Power."

Nova Doba logo
Nova Doba logo

Round Table Discussions in the Ukraine

Today, teachers and pupils from different regions of the Ukraine are meeting in Kiev to discuss "Human Rights: Lessons From the History of the Twentieth Century". This is the second of three round table discussions which Nova Doba organises within the framework of EUSTORY.

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New competition round in Latvia
New competition round in Latvia

New Competition Round in Latvia

The History Teachers' Association of Latvia is happy to announce the new topic for 2013/2013, which is: The History of Education in Latvia". The Award ceremony will take place on 25 May, 2013. For more information, please visit the Association's website