General Information


Historielærerforeningen for Gymnasiet og HF
Danish History Teachers' Organisation for (Upper) Secondary Schools

Trine Villumsen
Tina Svane Boisen
Margen Ott

Soendergade 6, 1. tv.
DK-6000 Kolding
Phone: +45 26811138
Email: , ,
Competition Information:

About the organisation

The Danish History Teachers’ Association was founded in 1927 for teachers in the secondary schools. The association has over 1,500 members, publishes a quarterly periodical Noter (Notes), arranges teacher training courses and has a close contact to the Ministry of Education.

The history competition

The first round of Danish history competition "Historiekonkurrencen" was launched in 2005 under the title: "Roots - Where do you come from?" under the auspices of the Minister of Education.


The competition entry must be handed in in three copies. The participants are free in their choice of the media: written paper, CD, Video or DVD. The main criteria for the assessment is the question if the competition entry is telling a convincing history.


Typically, the jury will consist of at least a history teacher, a historian from academia, a historian with a proven record of publishing to a broader audience and a representative from the Ministry of Education.


Money prizes are granted on three levels:
One first prize in the amount of 10,000 DKK
One second prize in the amount of 5,000 DKK
One third prize in the amount of 3,000 DKK

Competition Details