General Information


Fédération des Maisons Franco-Allemandes

Nolwenn Etienne

29, Rue Buffon; BP 32415
21024 Dijon CEDEX
Phone: +33-3-80 68 86 01

About the organisation

With its eight cultural centers in Aix, Brest, Dijon, Nantes, Nice, Pau, Paris and Tours the Federation on French-German cultural centers manages the administration and organisation of the French Competition since 2012. The competition is supported by the Mission du Centenaire as well as the French Association of History and Geography Teachers (APHG), the Goethe Institutes in France, the Institut Français, the Franco-German Youth Office (OFAJ-DFJW) and Körber Stiftung.

The history competition

The pilot competition was launched in 2012 and has since evolved into the history competition EUSTORY-France. Since the centenary of the First World War is commemorated from 2014 until 2018, the last competition as well as this year’s topic are focused on World War I. Since the launch of EUSTORY-France, the European dimension of the competition has been strengthened with this year’s focus on the Franco-German relation.

The aim of the competition is to provide an incentive to young people to investigate their own local and regional history and put it in a greater context. After doing extensive research and comparing their results with their fellow students in Germany, they might have a different view on history.

Young students are encouraged not only to work in French on their own, or within a French group of peers, but they are also invited to work on a bilingual level together with peers from Germany.


Young students (15 years +) can hand in their contributions.

Research papers are accepted as well as audio or visual projects, exhibitions, blogs, websites or any creative approach. Written works should not exceed 25 pages, videos not more than 20 minutes.


A jury consisting of experts from different countries evaluates the entries that were handed in. After all entries are assessed the jury makes a decision in spring. The award ceremony takes places in early summer.


The jury will chose two winners, one among the contributions from the different collèges and one from the lycées who will be awarded 1,000 € each. All EUSTORY prize winners will be invited to join the EUSTORY Network and to apply for the participation in the EUSTORY History Camps. Furthermore, every participant of the competition will receive a certificate.

Competition Details