General Information


Slovenské centrum pre komunikáciu a rozvoj
Slovak Centre for Communication and Development

Zuzana Jezerská

Pražská 11
SK - 811 04 Bratislava
Phone: +421-9-11197065
Fax: +421-2-49100585

About the organisation

The Slovak Centre for Communication and Development is non-profit organisation that focuses on general beneficial services in the area of creating, preservation, revival and presentation of spiritual and cultural values as well as in area of research, development of scientific, technical and information services. It was founded on 15 April 2005.

Currently, we are primarily oriented on two areas of activities – development (global) education and development assistance. In this regard our main task represents spreading overall awareness and offering public information on the issues related to sustainable development of mankind, which is integral part of the development education. We are trying to involve various educational institutions into this process and other relevant partners in Slovakia and abroad and, thereby, stimulate and support the idea of the world citizenship. For example, we are involved in European project Global Education - Education Across Borders, which aims at the development of resource centres of global issues in Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary.

The Slovak Centre for Cooperation and Development envisions a society where a clear and ongoing free and quality education is one of the most important values, a society of free and responsible citizens.

The history competition

The main goal of the Slovak history competition "EUSTORY" is to stimulate young people in Slovakia to get a critical and independent look at their country´s history. It encourages them to make their own researches and to transform the achieved results into their own historical conclusions.

In addition, the history competition is an opportunity to test one´s own study and research capabilities, to know the country´s history more deeply, but also to meet other people devoted to history to share views and experiences with them.

Moreover the history competition helps to establish an informal "national historical network" bringing together students, teachers and scientists.


The competition addresses secondary school pupils (15-18 age range).

The research papers should be written in Slovak language and should not contain more than 25 pages. Research papers submitted on CD, floppy disc, videotapes etc. have to be submitted with at least one fully printed copy.


The Slovak Eustory National Partners Network has been set up with 20 member institutions at the moment from whom the members of the evaluation committee and of the final jury are chosen.

The evaluation criteria are divided into two groups:

1. evaluation of contents
2. formal and methodological criteria.

The most important criteria is the innovative character of the paper- i.e. new findings, own opinions, researches made by students, critical and independent approach, creativeness, deeper insight etc.


The Slovak Centre for Cooperation and Development assigns the total amount of € 2,500 for the awards. The jury grants individual and group awards - monetary prizes and additional awards such as record players, cameras, books, etc.

Competition Details