My competition was about...
…my grandfather’s family history. I especially investigated my grandfather’s and great-grandfather’s encounters with different ruling powers and how these powers affected their actions, lives and destinies.
"Life Stories of my Grandfather‘s Family Members in the course of Latvia’s History” (2016)
Read more … Elīna Jātniece
My competition was about...
…the deportation of my great-grandmother and her family by Soviet authorities to Siberia in 1949. My ancestors lived and worked there in terrible conditions for eight years. Fortunately, they survived and came back to Latvia. For my research paper, I interviewed my 97 year old great-grandmother and enquired family documents related to this period.
"The history of the Klancberg Family in exile in Siberia and related material. Testimony and memories.” (2016)
Read more … Kristians Malgins
Born in 1993 in Bauska, Latvia
High-school student (Riga French Lycee)
"The Investment of Three Brothers in Latvian Leather, Last and Footwear Industry" (2010)
Read more … Ginta Berzina