Closing date for competition: “Man in History – Russia in the 20th Century” (2018/2019)
Accompanying pedagogical seminar at the Goethe-Institut in Paris for teachers of school classes and tutors of groups.
Closing date of competition
Teacher academy: "Strategies and tools for digital storytelling"
Closing date for competition: “Peace After the First World War in France, Germany and Europe. Memories and Heritage of a Global Conflict” (2018/2019)
Closing date for 26th competition: "Enough Is Enough - Crisis, Change, a New Beginning" (2018/2019)
Closing date for competition: “Our Borders in a Century of Changes“ (2018/2019)
Closing date for the competition: “Peace After the First World War in France, Germany and Europe. Memories and Heritage of a Global Conflict” (2018/2019)
Closing date for competition
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