Closing date for 18th competition: “Man in History – Russia in the 20th Century” (2016/2017)
Closing date for 10th competition: “Places, Personalities, Events - What Made History in the 19th and 20th Century?” (2016/2017)
Closing date for 12th competition: “Denmark in the World - the World in Denmark” (2016/2017)
Kick-Off for new History Campus Editors 2017
Closing date for 25th competition: “God and the World. Religion Makes History” (2016/2017)
Closing date for 7th competition: “Being Different” (2015/2017)
Award Ceremony in Copenhagen
Closing date for 7th competition: “Unique Historical Traditions, Construction, or Natural Element in a Place I Live - What Would I Recommend for the Cultural or Natural Heritage of Mankind?” (2016/2017)
Award Ceremony in Prague
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