
Danielle Knoller | Photo: Körber-Stiftung
Danielle Knoller | Photo: Körber-Stiftung

Israeli Example of Historical Research

Danielle loves ancient history and feels it is widely underrated within school history curricula. So when she was given a chance, she chose to write about the last years of the Roman Republic and the life of a man who seemed to be hiding more than we thought: Julius Cesar. Take a look at what Danielle said about her competition entry.

Invitation to the Israeli award ceremony | Photo: The Historical Society of Israel
Invitation to the Israeli award ceremony | Photo: The Historical Society of Israel

Israeli Award Ceremony in Jerusalem with President Rivlin

It is the first time that the award ceremony of the Israeli history competition will take place under the patronage of the Israeli President Reuven Rivlin in Jerusalem on 11 December 2016.

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Israeli Award Ceremony | Photo: Zalman Shazar Center
Israeli Award Ceremony | Photo: Zalman Shazar Center

Israeli Award Ceremony

The award ceremony of the Israeli History Competition for 2014 – 2015 took place in a different, even intimate surrounding: the three prize winners along with their parents, teachers and representatives of the Ministry of Education as well as the chairperson of the jury, all had gathered for a fascinating evening at a nice restaurant in Jerusalem.

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Tel Aviv/Jaffa | Photo: Körber Foundation
Tel Aviv/Jaffa | Photo: Körber Foundation

The First Israeli Award Ceremony

More than sixty prizewinners, representatives of the Ministry of Education, scientists and guest were present at the first award ceremony of the Israeli History Competition at the Zalman Shazar Centre for Jewish History in Jerusalem on 26 June 2014. The topic of the first history competition was "Attitudes toward the Other as Reflected in History."

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