
Swiss history competition poster 2017 | Photo: HISTORIA
Swiss history competition poster 2017 | Photo: HISTORIA

Swiss History Competition Announcement 2017

The new topic of the Swiss History Competition 2017-2019 is "Historical Investigation / Youth on the Move". Young people between the age of 14 and 21 are invited to hand in papers in German, French or Italian.

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Winners of Swiss history competition 2017 | Photo: HISTORIA
Winners of Swiss history competition 2017 | Photo: HISTORIA

Swiss Award Ceremony 2017

The award ceremony of the Swiss History Competition 2015-2017 took place on 20 May 2017 in the National Museum Zurich. The topic of the competition was "Being different". About ninety people attended the ceremony which was enriched by two young musicians who played the violin and the cello.

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Christiane Derrer, Swiss Competition Organiser (HISTORIA), opening the ceremony | Photo: Tina Gotthardt
Christiane Derrer, Swiss Competition Organiser (HISTORIA), opening the ceremony | Photo: Tina Gotthardt

Swiss Award Ceremony 2015

The award ceremony of the Swiss History Competition 2013-2015 took place on 30 May 2015 in the City Museum of Aarau. This recently re-opened museum was the perfect location to celebrate the awarded works because one of the exhibitions called “From the French Revolution to the Facebook Like-Button” is questioning the development of democratic values and citizenship with a special focus on the Swiss way of democracy.

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Swiss Award Winners | Photo: Kerstin Peter
Swiss Award Winners | Photo: Kerstin Peter

Swiss Award Ceremony 2013

On 25 May, 2013, Switzerland’s History Competition HISTORIA awarded twelve young researchers during its award ceremony in the National Library in Berne. The topic was "A Place. Stories? History!" The winners came from all parts of Switzerland.

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