
Körber-Stiftung/David Ausserhofer
Karsten Korbøl and Miguel Monteiro de Barros | Photos: Caroline Reistad / Fritt Ord and private
Karsten Korbøl and Miguel Monteiro de Barros | Photos: Caroline Reistad / Fritt Ord and private

Karsten Korbøl and Miguel Monteiro de Barros Join EUSTORY’s Steering Committee

On the Annual Network Meeting in Lisbon in May 2017, EUSTORY competition organisers elected a new Steering Committee. For the next year, representatives from Portugal, Norway and Israel will set the strategic agenda for EUSTORY, be involved in decisions about membership, as well as in overseeing the general activities of the Network.

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Dr Paul Flynn presented the Irish competition at the Network meeting in Lisbon | Photo: EUSTORY
Dr Paul Flynn presented the Irish competition at the Network meeting in Lisbon | Photo: EUSTORY

Ireland Confirmed as New Member of the EUSTORY Network

During the Annual Network Meeting in Lisbon, representatives from the EUSTORY member competitions accepted the Irish application for membership of the Network. Dr Paul Flynn, researcher at the National University of Ireland Galway and organiser of the Irish competition »Breaking the S.E.A.L.«, presented their initiative at the meeting in Portugal.

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Danielle Knoller | Photo: Körber-Stiftung
Danielle Knoller | Photo: Körber-Stiftung

Israeli Example of Historical Research

Danielle loves ancient history and feels it is widely underrated within school history curricula. So when she was given a chance, she chose to write about the last years of the Roman Republic and the life of a man who seemed to be hiding more than we thought: Julius Cesar. Take a look at what Danielle said about her competition entry.

Winners of Swiss history competition 2017 | Photo: HISTORIA
Winners of Swiss history competition 2017 | Photo: HISTORIA

Swiss Award Ceremony 2017

The award ceremony of the Swiss History Competition 2015-2017 took place on 20 May 2017 in the National Museum Zurich. The topic of the competition was "Being different". About ninety people attended the ceremony which was enriched by two young musicians who played the violin and the cello.

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Latvian Award Ceremony 2017  | Photo: Chancery of the President of Latvia
Latvian Award Ceremony 2017 | Photo: Chancery of the President of Latvia

President of Latvia Honours Latvian Prize Winners in Riga

On 20 May, the 25 winners and their tutors of the 16th Latvian History Competition were awarded by the President of Latvia, Raimonds Vējonis. The ceremony took place in the Grand House of the Riga Latvian Society.

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Flag of Portugal | Photo: Norbert / Pixabay
Flag of Portugal | Photo: Norbert / Pixabay

Annual Network Meeting in Portugal

From 18 to 21 May 2017, twenty-six representatives of EUSTORY History Competitions are coming together for their Annual Network Meeting in Lisbon.

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Daniel Vlahov | Photo: Körber-Stiftung
Daniel Vlahov | Photo: Körber-Stiftung

Bulgarian Example of Historical Research

In his research, Daniel describes the rivalry between his hometown Sliven and the neighbouring town Yambol. He came across a surpising fact, namely that the first school in Yambol was built by a teacher from Sliven.Take a look at what Daniel said about his competition entry.

Russian Award Ceremony 2017 in the Nikitskie Gate Theatre in Moscow | Photo: Körber-Stiftung
Russian Award Ceremony 2017 in the Nikitskie Gate Theatre in Moscow | Photo: Körber-Stiftung

Successful Award Ceremony in Moscow Despite Obstacles

Carefully planned safety precautions were necessary during the prize-giving ceremony of the Russian history competition on 26 April in Moscow. After the booking of the original venue was cancelled at short notice, the competition host MEMORIAL, a member of the EUSTORY network, was able to move the event to the Nikitskie Gate Theatre.

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Elīna Jātniece | Photo: Körber-Stiftung
Elīna Jātniece | Photo: Körber-Stiftung

Latvian Example of Historical Research

Elīna wanted to learn more about the history of her family and how different ruling powers affected the life stories of her family members. She was surprised about the number of documents available in the archive regarding her great-grandfather. He had been interrogated by the Cheka, the Soviet Secret Service. Take a look at what Elīna said in her competition entry.