
Körber-Stiftung/David Ausserhofer
Israeli Award Ceremony | Photo: Zalman Shazar Center
Israeli Award Ceremony | Photo: Zalman Shazar Center

Israeli Award Ceremony

The award ceremony of the Israeli History Competition for 2014 – 2015 took place in a different, even intimate surrounding: the three prize winners along with their parents, teachers and representatives of the Ministry of Education as well as the chairperson of the jury, all had gathered for a fascinating evening at a nice restaurant in Jerusalem.

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Old town of Olsztyn | Photo: Borussia Foundation
Old town of Olsztyn | Photo: Borussia Foundation

Fifty young Europeans to discuss regional history and identity at Second Baltic Sea Youth Dialogue in Olsztyn

From 2 to 9 September 2015, the Polish city of Olsztyn will welcome fifty young Europeans from 21 countries for the Second Baltic Sea Youth Dialogue.

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Irina Shervakova, Gabriele Woidelko | Photos: Körber-Stiftung/ David Ausserhofer
Irina Shervakova, Gabriele Woidelko | Photos: Körber-Stiftung/ David Ausserhofer

The Conflict of Remembrance – Dealing with the Second World War and Stalinism in Russia

The 70th anniversary of the end of WW II and the surrounding commemoration ceremonies have sparked an increased public interest in the question regarding the handling of the legacy of dictatorships in Europe.

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Slovak Award Ceremony 2015 | Photo: EUSTORY Slovakia
Slovak Award Ceremony 2015 | Photo: EUSTORY Slovakia

Slovak Award Ceremony 2015

On 19 June the award ceremony of the Slovak History Competition took place in the Polish Institute in Bratislava. 2015 marks the 10th anniversary of the EUSTORY Competition in Slovakia. The topic “Slovak Development cooperation in the 20th and 21st century – from INTEHELPO to SLOVAKAID” was inspired by the European Year for Development, as announced by the European Commission, and the 90th anniversary of Slovak Development Aid.

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Christiane Derrer, Swiss Competition Organiser (HISTORIA), opening the ceremony | Photo: Tina Gotthardt
Christiane Derrer, Swiss Competition Organiser (HISTORIA), opening the ceremony | Photo: Tina Gotthardt

Swiss Award Ceremony 2015

The award ceremony of the Swiss History Competition 2013-2015 took place on 30 May 2015 in the City Museum of Aarau. This recently re-opened museum was the perfect location to celebrate the awarded works because one of the exhibitions called “From the French Revolution to the Facebook Like-Button” is questioning the development of democratic values and citizenship with a special focus on the Swiss way of democracy.

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Public Award Ceremony in Kiev | Photo: NOVA DOBA
Public Award Ceremony in Kiev | Photo: NOVA DOBA

Ukrainian Ceremony on Public Square in Kiev

On 28 May 2015 participants of this year’s Ukrainian history competition presented their projects on a market place in Kiev. Part of this public presentation was also the organising of a flash mob. The prize winners received greetings from the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Dr. Pavlo Polianskyi.

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Latvian Award Ceremony at the House of the Riga Latvian Society | Photo: The Chancery of the President of Latvia
Latvian Award Ceremony at the House of the Riga Latvian Society | Photo: The Chancery of the President of Latvia

Latvian President Awarded Prize Winners in Riga

On 23 of May 2015 the State President of Latvia, Andris Bērziņš, awarded the winners and their tutors of the Latvian History Competition “History around us” in the grand House of the Riga Latvian Society. More than 200 students as well as their relatives and teachers from all over Latvia came to Riga to take part in this magnificent event. The topic of this year’s competition round was “Artifacts as a Source of History”.

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Slovenian Award Ceremony 2015 | Photo: Vojko Kunaver
Slovenian Award Ceremony 2015 | Photo: Vojko Kunaver

Slovenian Award Ceremony in 2015

On 19 May 2015 a group of young history researchers from all over Slovenia gathered in the Museum of Contemporary History in Ljubljana for a very festive reason: The Award Ceremony for the prize winners of the Slovenian EUSTORY Competition 2015.

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Estonian participants with their tutors | Photo: Aldo Luud
Estonian participants with their tutors | Photo: Aldo Luud

Estonian Award Ceremony 2015

During this year’s Estonian award ceremony one of the participants stated: “My research for this competition made me understand how lucky current generations are to be living in a free country.” The topic of this year’s round was “Estonia during World War II" and the ceremony was held on 8 May 2015 in the Hall of Ministry of Education and Research in Tartu.

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