
Körber-Stiftung/David Ausserhofer
Estonian participants with their tutors | Photo: Aldo Luud
Estonian participants with their tutors | Photo: Aldo Luud

Estonian Award Ceremony 2015

During this year’s Estonian award ceremony one of the participants stated: “My research for this competition made me understand how lucky current generations are to be living in a free country.” The topic of this year’s round was “Estonia during World War II" and the ceremony was held on 8 May 2015 in the Hall of Ministry of Education and Research in Tartu.

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EUSTORY Competition Organisers 2015 | Photo: EUROCLIO / Ben Kealey
EUSTORY Competition Organisers 2015 | Photo: EUROCLIO / Ben Kealey

EUSTORY Annual Network Meeting 2015

From 19-21 April 2015, organisers of national history competitions from twenty-two European countries gathered for the EUSTORY Annual Network Meeting in Helsingør, Denmark. This year’s network meeting was held in partnership with EUROCLIO, the European Association of History Teachers.

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Russian Award Ceremony 2015 | Photo: Vadim Schultz
Russian Award Ceremony 2015 | Photo: Vadim Schultz

Russian Award Ceremony 2015

On 29 April 2015 the Russian History Competition "Man in History - Russia in the 20th Century” celebrated its 16th award ceremony in the “Theatre of Young Spectators” in Moscow. The jury selected 53 finalists out of a number of 2,024 authors. Prior to the award ceremony the finalists gathered for a five day intensive workshop about “Memorials to Victims of political Repressions in Russia”. The Russian competition has been conducted by the eldest Russian non-governmental organisation MEMORIAL International since 1999.

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Buchenwald 2005 | Photo: Körber Stiftung / David Ausserhofer
Buchenwald 2005 | Photo: Körber Stiftung / David Ausserhofer

It Takes More Than Plain Learning to Understand History

"Talking to young people I see that they learnt by rote at school that fascism and national socialism were bad but quite often they are not able to explain why it is so," regrets Ksenia Srednyak, a 29-year-old historian from Russia.

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Ondrej Kolínský, Czech Alumni from 2009 | Photo: PANT Citizens' Association
Ondrej Kolínský, Czech Alumni from 2009 | Photo: PANT Citizens' Association

Czech Award Ceremony 2015

On 15 April 2015 the award ceremony for the winners of the Czech EUSTORY Competition took place in the Town Hall in Prague. Forty-three participants submitted their works to this year’s topic “The Story of a Photograph - Memory and History in Front and Behind the Lens”. The award ceremony started with the opera singer Edita Adlerová who performed different creations written by George Gershwin. The awards were presented by the famous Czech actor Zdeněk Svěrák. The students also had the opportunity to talk to Ondrej Kolínský, Czech EUSTORY Alumni from 2009.

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Copyright: Agency for Historical, Civic and Media Education, Berlin
Copyright: Agency for Historical, Civic and Media Education, Berlin

European Online Project "War Children in Europe" has started

“The stories and perspectives of the children of the war hardly feature in our collective memory. I want to understand how their experiences shaped the next generation and affected my own generation accordingly," explains Bettina from Germany.

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German History Competition | Copyright: Ullstein-Bild/Gerd Danigel
German History Competition | Copyright: Ullstein-Bild/Gerd Danigel

High Participation for German History Competition

A total of 1,563 entries were handed in by participants who researched this year’s topic "Being different. Outsiders in History". "The excellent turnout shows that we struck a chord with young participants", says Sven Tetzlaff, responsible for the German History Competition.

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Winners of second prize in Danish History Competition 2015 | Photo: private
Winners of second prize in Danish History Competition 2015 | Photo: private

Danish Award Ceremony

»Fight for everything you hold dear…« This title is a quotation from a famous Danish song – a symbol of the Danish resistance against the Nazi occupation from 1940 to 1945 – and it served as the headline for the Danish EUSTORY Competition 2014/2015. This year’s award ceremony took place during a historical festival in Copenhagen with more than 10,000 visitors over the weekend. The prize winners were rewarded on the 14th of March 2015 at a public ceremony under the leadership of the Head of Parliament Mogens Lykketoft, who is President of the United Nations General Assembly and since 2014 the new patron of the Danish History Competition.

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EUSTORY Annual Network Meeting 2015 | Copyright: David Ausserhofer
EUSTORY Annual Network Meeting 2015 | Copyright: David Ausserhofer

EUSTORY Annual Network Meeting in Denmark in Cooperation with EUROCLIO

From 19-22 April 2015, organisers of EUSTORY history competitions from 25 European countries will gather in Helsingør in Denmark for the EUSTORY Annual Network Meeting.

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