The award ceremony of this year’s Bulgarian history competition took place in Sofia on 11 October 2014. The topic was "Protests in History: Discontent, Confrontation, Rebelliousness." A total of 127 pupils handed in 87 research works. Many of the entries dealt with the antifascist resistance in Bulgaria in the 1940s, but the more recent communist past was also subject to research.
This year, the EUSTORY Competition in France takes places for the second time. Young students over 15 years can hand in their own research papers on the topic of “Europe on the battlefields – the legacy of World War I for us today”.
Two countries, two cities, one border, one Baltic identity? At the First Baltic Sea Youth Dialogue 22 young Europeans from 12 different countries around the Baltic Sea discussed and photographed the history and future of borders and identities.
The Belarusian award ceremony took place during an international science conference entitled "September 1939 in Historical Tradition and Oral History" which was held in Minsk on 26 and 27 September 2014. The topic of the past competition round was "1939 in the Memory of Inhabitants of Belarus".
On 10 September 2014, the First Baltic Sea Youth Dialogue starts in Estonia and Russia. Twenty-five young Europeans from twelve countries will discuss and explore the history and future of borders and identities.
On August 27, this year’s next EUSTORY History Camp starts in Oslo. For one week, 25 prize winners of 12 national history competitions will explore the topic of “National Constitutions and European Democracies in Times of Crisis”
Bem-vindo Portugal! The EUSTORY Network welcomes its 25th member. The first Portuguese History Competition “História para Jovens - History for Youth” was launched this year.
Mogens Lykketoft is the new patron of the Danish History Competition. Mr. Lykketoft has been a member of the Danish Social Democrats since 1964 and in September 2011 became Speaker of the Folketing, the Danish Parliament. He hosted the Danish award ceremony on 19 June 2014.
This year, the Russian EUSTORY competition celebrates its 15th anniversary. Since the MEMORIAL Society Moscow announced the first Russian competition for high-school students in March 1999, more than 36,000 young people from all over Russia have handed in research papers regarding the topic “Man in History - Russia in the 20th Century”.