
Körber-Stiftung/David Ausserhofer
Combining drawing and talking: Animates
Combining drawing and talking: Animates

Testing a New Format: Animates

Participants of EUSTORY's Youth Academy in Slovenia and of the Alumni Seminar in Spain tried an innovative method of explaining and visualising history and ideas. Using animates similar to those produced by the Royal Society of Arts (London), they combined drawing and talking to explain the Fall of Yugoslavia, the Use(ability) of Stereotypes, and the concepts of Convivencía and Coexistence.

Shamir Yeger, organiser of Israeli History Competition | Photo: Claudia Höhne
Shamir Yeger, organiser of Israeli History Competition | Photo: Claudia Höhne

Israel joins EUSTORY Network

We are very happy to welcome Israel as a new member of our EUSTORY Network. After a year-long planning period, the first Israeli History Competition was inaugurated in October 2013. The first competition topic is: "Attitudes toward the Other as Reflected in History".

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EUSTORY Youth Academy 2013 | Photo: Tina Gotthardt
EUSTORY Youth Academy 2013 | Photo: Tina Gotthardt

Reports about Youth Academies 2013 online

Summaries and photo galleries of the activities during the two EUSTORY Youth Academies in Finland (“Bridging the Gap of Civil War: Nation Building in Europe in the Aftermath of WWI”) and Slovenia ("The End of Empires: New Borders, New States, New Loyalties?") are now available online!

Finnish competition poster
Finnish competition poster

Five More Competition Topics

Five more countries announced the new topics for their history competitions in 2013/14. Topics cover a wide range from the "Economic Crisis" (Slovenia) and "America" (Spain) to “World War I and its Reflection in Slovak Society“ (Slovakia), “Two Stories“ (Finland) and "The Crucial Moment" (Denmark).

German President Gauck (right) with first prize winner | Photo: Michael Fahrig
German President Gauck (right) with first prize winner | Photo: Michael Fahrig

German Award Ceremony 2013

Federal President Joachim Gauck invited prize winners of the German History Competition 2012/13 to his official residence Schloss Bellevue in Berlin. The award ceremony was the celebratory conclusion of the 23rd call for students’ research projects under the topic of: “Familiar Strangers. Neighbors in History”.

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Young Journalist Award| Photo: Christian Diemer
Young Journalist Award| Photo: Christian Diemer

Calling aspiring Journalists to rewrite Europe!

Are you fed up with reading the same old Euro crisis articles? The Europe & Me Young Journalist Award is calling young non-professional journalists to write about Europe in a fresh, personal and transnational way!

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PANT brochure
PANT brochure

Introducing PANT

Today is the closing date for entries to the first Czech EUSTORY competition run by PANT, a Czech civic citizen’s association. Students between 15 and 20 were invited to submit their essays on the topic "Also a Place Has Its Memory - In the Footsteps of My Region's History".

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Spanish Award Ceremony | Photo: J.J. Pan Anguilera (Centro Imagen)
Spanish Award Ceremony | Photo: J.J. Pan Anguilera (Centro Imagen)

Spanish Award Ceremony 2013

The Real Maestranza de Ronda (RMR) celebrated its traditional prize-giving ceremony for the winners of the sixth Spanish Eustory competition round. Winners gathered from all over Spain to claim their diplomas and rewards. The ceremony was presided by Jorge Edwards, Chilean ambassador to France and prestigious poet and writer.

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Youth Academy in Ljubljana | Photo: Tina Gotthardt
Youth Academy in Ljubljana | Photo: Tina Gotthardt

EUSTORY Youth Academy in Slovenia

On October 6th, the EUSTORY Youth Academy began in Slovenia. Twenty-five EUSTORY prize winners aged 17 - 19 years assembled in Ljubljana to talk about "The End of Empires: New Borders, New States,New Loyalties?". Follow the seminar activities on the EUSTORY blog.