
Körber-Stiftung/David Ausserhofer
Coordinators, winner, finalists and EUSTORY representative at the 2019 Irish Award Ceremony | Photo: Aengus McMahon Photography
Coordinators, winner, finalists and EUSTORY representative at the 2019 Irish Award Ceremony | Photo: Aengus McMahon Photography

Irish Award Ceremony 2019

22 May 2019 was the day of the finals for the Irish History Competition organised by “Breaking the SEAL” (BTS). The occasion was incorporated in the 20 Year Celebration of the National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG)’s Access Centre. The Centre aims at providing support to students coming from non-tradition routes to access third level education. BTS is one such programme.

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Swiss History Competition winners and tutor 2019 | Photo: Daniel Steiner
Swiss History Competition winners and tutor 2019 | Photo: Daniel Steiner

High Quality Submissions in Swiss History Competition 2019

The ninth award ceremony of the Swiss National History Competition took place on 18 May 2019 at the National Museum in Zurich. Due to the high standard of the submissions, the jury decided to award three first, second and third prizes this year.

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Estonian award winners in the Ministry of Education and Research in Tartu | Photo: Aldo Luud (cropped)
Estonian award winners in the Ministry of Education and Research in Tartu | Photo: Aldo Luud (cropped)

Estonian Award Ceremony 2019

On 3 May, 2019, the prize winners of the 20th Estonian history competition were announced at the Ministry of Education and Research in Tartu.

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Award ceremony in the Nikitsky Gate Theatre in Moscow | Photo: Körber-Stiftung
Award ceremony in the Nikitsky Gate Theatre in Moscow | Photo: Körber-Stiftung

Strong Representation of Young Talents in Russian History Competition

This year’s call for participation in the Russian history competition showed a strong representation of 14 and-15-year-olds. In total, more than 1,600 entries were submitted, and the best works were honoured at the award ceremony in Moscow at the Nikitski Gate Theatre on 25 April.

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Mogens Lykketoft and Danish prize winners 2019 | Photo: private
Mogens Lykketoft and Danish prize winners 2019 | Photo: private

Danish Award Ceremony 2019

On 31 March 2019, the History Teachers´ Association of Denmark awarded the winners of the 13th National History Competition during the historical festival »Historiske Dage« in Copenhagen.

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Reception of the EUSTORY Network by Estonian President Kaljulaid | Photo: Aron Urb
Reception of the EUSTORY Network by Estonian President Kaljulaid | Photo: Aron Urb

Estonian President Kaljulaid Receives EUSTORY

The Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid, patron of the Estonian national history competition, received representatives of the EUSTORY Network. The Estonian history competition, one of the founding members of EUSTORY, kindly hosted this year’s Annual Network Meeting in Tallinn together with the Körber Foundation.

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The Editors’ Group 2019/20 | Photo: Körber Foundation
The Editors’ Group 2019/20 | Photo: Körber Foundation

"We Take History Personally"

European elections, nationalism, xenophobia and the division of societies - these are the issues that the young editors of the EUSTORY History Campus will focus on in the coming year. Ten alumni from the EUSTORY Network between the ages of 18 and 30 met at a jounalistic kick-off workshop in March at the EUSTORY International Office in Hamburg.

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German History Competion poster 2018/2019 | Photo: Körber-Stiftung
German History Competion poster 2018/2019 | Photo: Körber-Stiftung

German History Competition Received Around 2,000 Entries

28 February 2019 was the closing date for the German History Competition entitled "Enough Is Enough - Crisis, Change, a New Beginning". 1,997 entries by more than 5,500 young people were sent in. This makes the it one of the most successful German competition since 1993.

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Karsten Korbøl | Photo: Caroline Reistad / Fritt Ord
Karsten Korbøl | Photo: Caroline Reistad / Fritt Ord

Insights into the Norwegian History Competition

The first Norwegian History Competition took place in 1999/2000. Karsten Korbøl, teacher of History and Civics, has been serving as the coordinator of the competition since 2006. In this interview he reviews the competition’s impact and the specific role history is playing in his country.

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