During every EUSTORY youth encounter, young people from Europe and beyond come together, engage in history, exchange ideas, share their creativity and become EUSTORIANS. Let us introduce some of them and begin with Milena from Serbia.
At this year's network meeting in Málaga, hosted by the Spanish foundation Real Maestranza de Caballería de Ronda (RMR), the focus was on dealing with the legacy of the Franco dictatorship. The conference programme was developed together with Körber-Stiftung.
75 years after the end of the Second World War, twenty-five young people from twenty countries are researching untold life stories in the eCommemoration project "Europe 1945-2020: Looking back, thinking forward".
In Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, excitement is rising: in March, all four Eastern Partnership countries have deadlines coming up for this year's history competition entries. The organisers expect an active participation.
More creative, more interactive, and more digital - with this goal in mind the eleven young editors of the EUSTORY History Campus Blog adopted this year’s thematic agenda. During the annual editorial workshop, which took place in Hamburg from 6 to 9 February, they were introduced to exciting new tools for their work.
The cooperation project supervised by Körber-Stiftung and DVV International and funded by the German Foreign Office just started in its second year to carry on the history competitions in Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and in Ukraine.
On 19 November, German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier honoured this year’s first prizewinners of the German History Competition in his official residende Bellevue Palace in Berlin. The topic of the competition was “Enough Is Enough - Crisis, Change, a New Beginning” which encouraged over 5,600 young people to participate.
May 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. On the occasion of this upcoming anniversary, Körber-Stiftung has now launched the digital commemoration project "Europe 1945-2020: Looking back, thinking forward" with young Europeans from about 20 member countries of the EUSTORY Network.