
Körber-Stiftung/David Ausserhofer
Prizewinners of the Russian History Competition 2019/2020 presenting their works online | Photo: MEMORIAL International
Prizewinners of the Russian History Competition 2019/2020 presenting their works online | Photo: MEMORIAL International

First Online Award Ceremony in Russia

Russia was the first EUSTORY Network Member to develop a digital format for their history competition’s award ceremony that had to be cancelled due to restrictions caused by the Corona pandemic – a challenging experience with some unexpected outcomes.

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Tzivia from Israel - Belonging in Between | Photo: private
Tzivia from Israel - Belonging in Between | Photo: private

Getting to Know EUSTORY Alumni: Tzivia From Israel

In our series "Getting to Know EUSTORY Alumni" we introduce some of the young people from Europe and beyond who took part in our EUSTORY youth encounters and became EUSTORIANS.  Let us introduce Tzivia from Israel to you today.

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The first 'silent stories' on Instagram | Photo: Körber-Stiftung
The first 'silent stories' on Instagram | Photo: Körber-Stiftung

Digital Commemoration – Young Europeans Remember World War Two

The Instagram Museum "Silent Stories of 1945" has opened its digital doors. It presents stories which have not previously been heard, forgotten life stories and stories which represent contradictory experiences of the war.

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New Initiative in Germany: Tomorrow´s History - Everyday Life in Times of Corona | Photo: Körber-Stiftung
New Initiative in Germany: "Tomorrow’s History - Everyday Life in Times of Corona" | Photo: Körber-Stiftung

New Initiative in Germany: "Tomorrow’s History - Everyday Life in Times of Corona"

The German History Competition together with the German Coronarchiv want to encourage young people in Germany to actively shape the way how future generations might talk about the epidemiological threat of 2020.

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Milena with a Memory Suitcase on her European couch | Photo: private
Milena with a Memory Suitcase on her European couch | Photo: private

Getting to Know EUSTORY Alumni: Milena From Serbia

During every EUSTORY youth encounter, young people from Europe and beyond come together, engage in history, exchange ideas, share their creativity and become EUSTORIANS. Let us introduce some of them and begin with Milena from Serbia.

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Reception of the EUSTORY Network in Málaga's Town Hall | Juan Jesús Pan Aguilera
Reception of the EUSTORY Network in Málaga's Town Hall | Juan Jesús Pan Aguilera

Spain Hosts EUSTORY Network Meeting

At this year's network meeting in Málaga, hosted by the Spanish foundation Real Maestranza de Caballería de Ronda (RMR), the focus was on dealing with the legacy of the Franco dictatorship. The conference programme was developed together with Körber-Stiftung.

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The participants prepare their material for the publication on Instagram | Photo: Körber-Stiftung/Radoslaw Zawadzki
The participants prepare their material for the publication on Instagram | Photo: Körber-Stiftung/Radoslaw Zawadzki

Memories of the Second World War on Instagram

75 years after the end of the Second World War, twenty-five young people from twenty countries are researching untold life stories in the eCommemoration project "Europe 1945-2020: Looking back, thinking forward".

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The 6th generation of editors at the annual workshop in Hamburg | Photo: Körber-Stiftung
The 6th generation of editors at the annual workshop in Hamburg | Photo: Körber-Stiftung

History 4.0 - Into the Past With Digital Tools and Interactive Text Adventures

More creative, more interactive, and more digital - with this goal in mind the eleven young editors of the EUSTORY History Campus Blog adopted this year’s thematic agenda. During the annual editorial workshop, which took place in Hamburg from 6 to 9 February, they were introduced to exciting new tools for their work.

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